born 1933, a pioneer in net art and one of the first artists who worked collaboratively…
The world´s first collaborative sentence
It´s interesting that already in 1994, when Net Art just started, Douglas Davis already recognized that partizipation over the Internet provides new artistic experiences. Douglas, who experimented with video in the early 60ies and 70ies (please see also his telematic work The Last Nine Minutes, that he presented on 1977 already at documenta/Kassel) mentioned:
Immediately I thought of the keyboard, the means of interaction allowed by the Web but not by video or flat art. The big difference between broadcast TV and the Web is the keyboard: that people can say anything with it, they have full expressive capacity. This means a more intense and personal link could occur between me and the audience – and why not get the whole world together to write a sentence? [1]
[1] Douglas Davis, interviewed byTilman Baumgaertel